While you may still register your school, student registration for classes is
closed. Registration will reopen in late spring. For questions, contact
Thank you for your interest in the Iowa Online AP Academy. Complete this form at the beginning of each new school year, if you are a new school to IOAPA, or if you are updating your registration (for example, by changing or adding site coordinators).
Registration is a 3-step process:
- Register your school and assign a site coordinator and mentor.
The first step is for principals to register their schools on our website (below). As part of this step, schools agree to program requirements (see Policy Guide) and assign a site coordinator and a mentor. Be sure to fill out the Mentor Designation Form for this school year. This form is what enables mentors to receive a stipend.
- For spring semester courses, if a school has already registered during the current academic year: Schools that have already registered for the current academic year will be redirected to step 2 (student nomination).
- Nominate the student(s) taking IOAPA course(s).
Completing the school registration page sends the principal an automated email with a link in it to nominate the student. The principal either needs to complete the nomination or forward the link to the site coordinator or mentor to complete.
- Confirm that student has self-enrolled in the course.
Once the student has been nominated, an email will be automatically sent to the student to enroll himself/herself in the actual course. Be sure to have students check their junk mail folders, as the automated emails sometimes get filtered there. Students should complete this step and be sure to click submit when they’re done.
After registering, be sure to complete any College Board requirements for offering AP courses:
- Register your school with the College Board.
- Principals and AP Coordinators will receive an access code from the College Board.
- AP Coordinators will to sign in to AP Registration and Ordering for initial set up.
- AP Coordinators will create class sections in AP classroom (IOAPA mentors will be able to create class sections if the AP Coordinators do not).
- Mentors will distribute the "join codes" to students on the first day of class. Student need this code to join their online section in the AP Classroom.
- Students will sign in with their College Board account and enter their "join code."
- Encourage high school students to take the AP exam, and order all AP Exams. For courses that begin before November 15, the deadline to order is November 15. For courses that begin after November 15, the deadline to order is March 15. Please note that these deadlines are different from previous years.
- Complete the AP Course Audit process for Online/Distance Learning courses by January 31 in order to be able to label courses as “AP” on students’ transcripts.
Additional instructions for enrolling students will be automatically emailed to the principal email address you indicate below.
For assistance, email ioapa@belinblank.org.
First, choose which product you would like: |
Select Product: | | *Required
Second, choose your school |
Select State: |
Select County: |
Select School: |